Sometimes all it takes for a little motivation is reading the right line or two. Entrepreneur Magazine asked me and nine other entrepreneurs what pieces of inspiration we had to share. I’m all about the “how” in what you say as well as the “what.” Empathy is severely lacking in our society, which makes sense because it’s both innate and a learned skill. Thinking before we speak is critical, and if we say something the “right” way, we can be a lot more honest and transparent. We can make a big difference in their lives.

My co-founder, Murray Newlands, was also featured. How you use stepping stones determines if that’s what they are—or if they become stumbling blocks. According to Audience Bloom founder Jayson DeMers, he likes to reflect on all he has including the “little things.” Food, comfort, warmth and shelter are all items we take for granted.

Matt Mayberry reminds us that we’re in control of a large part of our destiny. However, many of us like to put that control in the hands of others.

Discover more inspiration for your morning here:

