I was recently interviewed by Brian Honigman about what it takes to market yourself better on Linkedin in 2015. 2014 was a year that I started to really market myself and my John Rampton brand. I took chances and really worked hard.

John Rampton - Market Yourself on LinkedIn in 2015

I would recommend that everyone do the same. Put your personal brand and self out there. Make yourself a lot more professional looking and sounding. For example: I see so many people putting up articles and content that I would never stamp my name too. Also, there are people that are recommending friends and businesses that aren’t the most legitimate. Don’t associate yourself with those types of things.

Next I would recommend that you put your Linkedin profile on your business card. I’m guilty of not doing this as well. You should be marketing yourself as much as possible. Give them a place to find you. Have your Linkedin up to date as much as possible. If you always keep it updated, business will contact you a lot more and be much more willing to hire you for your talents.

John Rampton on Brian Honigman

Here is what I told Brian Honigman about ways to market yourself better on Linkedin in 2015:

The advice I gave was something that frustrated me because it is so easy, yet so many people miss it. “I can never understand why people go to networking events, hand me their business card, and they don’t have their LinkedIn profile on there.”

I continued, “They have other social networks on there, but LinkedIn is THE professional networking site. When I want to size you up professionally, that’s where I go.” While it’s certainly easy enough to find someone on LinkedIn, John is right that the additional step to make people go through is an unnecessary barrier between connecting.

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John Rampton - Ways to Better Market Yourself on LinkedIn in 2015