I’m honored to be named Business.com’s Market Expert of the Month for March 2016! I talked with Shayna Marks about my background and strategy, and what it means to be a thought leader, entrepreneur, and “mold-breaker.” I began my entrepreneurial journey at a young age, and have had many failures and successes along the way. I also shared what’s new with Due and why I’m excited that it’s my latest business venture. After years of being a small business owner and freelancer, I knew exactly how tough managing finances can be, which is how Due was born.

Business.com Market Expert of the Month

I also shared my views on current marketing trends and what we can expect in the future—like money going global. “Ecash” is right around the corner with zero borders and instant access. When it comes to marketing, it’s all about who’s behind it. Success and profit go hand in hand for me, although this can be different for other folks.

When asked what I’d do differently, the answer was easy: I’d start earlier! It’s never too early to get on the path to creation and becoming your own boss. Even if you’re struggling right now, make a plan and go for it.

Read the full article here for more tips:


10 Questions with John Rampton Business.com Market Expert of the Month-with John Rampton