As you might have noticed, the past week was a bit more quiet on Blogsessive, but before I get to the reason behind that, let me tell you some things about me and Blogsessive.

For a blog, I always thought that there are a few critical steps that can shape its future. In my case, Blogsessive took these steps successfully.

  1. Blogsessive has passed the first three months of existence;
  2. Blogsessive has gathered over 100 RSS subscribers and Twitter followers;
  3. And most important, a wonderful community began to grow around this blog.

None of these steps would have been possible without you, Blogsessive’s loyal readers. For that, I sincerilly thank you!

As I’ve shared with you in a previous post, I believe that blogging’s biggest value resides in its education capabilities. So, during the past (almost) four months, I’ve learned many new things, along with you and from your comments.

Those of you that read the about page, know that I have a background in web design and development and what better way to repay you for all your help and loyalty than by putting those skills at work, as I’ve done when building this blog’s design from scratch.

Simple Balance WordPress Theme

Update: Simple Balance free WordPress theme has been released.

Soon (most probably this weekend), I’ll make available for download a free theme that I’ve worked on lately, called “Simple Balance”. There are still things that need more work at a coding level, but I can definitely give you a preview of the theme:

Free WordPress Theme Simple Balance

Again, thank you for visiting and being active on Blogsessive!
