10 palabras que nunca deberías usar para presentar tu startup
Ahí ahí Deja de quitarle valor a tu empresa. Si estás simplemente “por ahí”, entonces tienes...
Ahí ahí Deja de quitarle valor a tu empresa. Si estás simplemente “por ahí”, entonces tienes...
Free Returns I know this is a tough one but it really helps customers trust you...
Generate a press buzz You need to get press in magazines and places where your major...
To Help Future Customers You’ll never know how to really help new customers if you’re not...
How do top business leaders spend their time? Being fascinated by this topic, I collaborated with...
My advice was picked up by ABCNews for helping startups gain more online traction. I said...
Build something innovative. “Build something your customers want to be passionate about but don’t know it...
Take advantage of social media and develop a content marketing strategy to spread the word about...
Investor John Rampton who’s invested in several crowd funded campaigns says “Another way that crowd-funding reduces risk is by reducing...
From John Rampton of Adogy: You need to be honest with yourself and decide which is more...