6 consigli per scegliere un buon dominio per una startup (o un blog)
A tale proposito Inc.com ha affidato a un esperto, John Rampton, la responsabilità di regalarci qualche...
A tale proposito Inc.com ha affidato a un esperto, John Rampton, la responsabilità di regalarci qualche...
John Rampton reveals a minute-by-minute breakdown of how the typical Fortune 500 business leader spends the...
I remember the three-month period when I promised myself day after day at my web-hosting company...
Syndicating Content Syndicating content from other top sites is a great way to get amazing content....
This semester I will be teaching a course on Entrepreneurship at the Academy of Art University in...
Social Media expert John Rampton says “Use social media to converse with industry leaders, such as...
中国话说,不想当元帅的兵,不是好兵。想必,坐在元帅位置的人,也都想成为一个更好的元帅。领导也是一样。成功的企业家有一个共同点,就是他们的领导能力很强。但是因为被突然提拔到领导岗位上的你,可能并不意味着这个领导岗位就适合你。尤其对那些开始创业的人来说,可能作老板是一件兴奋又可怕的事情。没有人会告诉你要做什么,也没有人会告诉你正做的一些事情正在暗中破坏你在创建的企业。 美国的创业者,投资人John Rampton在自己首次创业时,发现因为10个领导力技巧几个月时间就让自己的企业完蛋了。所以,你要极力避免这些: 閱讀全文
If an entrepreneur doesn’t set and stick to a daily schedule, how can he or she...
How do top business leaders spend their time? Being fascinated by this topic, I collaborated with...
Lack of vision Leaders who don’t define a clear vision of the future will have a...