Have you ever wanted to work at a startup in Silicon Valley? I’ve lived in Silicon Valley for 4 years now and have a bit of experience in this field as I’ve worked for several startups.

Basically, expect to work longer than you’ve ever worked in your life. Expect to work harder that you’ve ever worked in your life. There is not room for error. You’re fighting against several other startups that are working just as hard as you. You can’t take no for an answer, it’s not an option.

You will be compensated more on the backend than front end. You either be made broke or a millionaire while working at your startup. You have to be willing to bet everything.

Note: You will be paid more than you’ve ever been paid for in your life but you will be required to earn it. Most startups require an extra amount of work and productivity.

Is it worth it to work at a startup in Silicon Valley? Only you can decide.

Here is what I told Success Magazine:

Long hours are expected.

If you’re thinking about working for a startup and putting in seven or eight hours of work a day… think again! Many startups require you to be there at 8 a.m. and not leave till 7 or 8 p.m. You’ll work harder than you’ve ever worked in your life. Expect to work them and not be paid anything more. Startups don’t pay well, especially considering the hours.

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John Rampton - Want to Work at a Startup