“Content” is no longer just the written word. It now entails photos, videos, and infographics. You need great “content creators,” not just great writers, but how can you expect a journalist to suddenly turn into Ansel Adams? In the Digital Era, everyone needs to have multiple skills, which is why Visme asked 42 pros like myself what our tricks were for great visual content. I go with visual content that complements the images linked to the brand/values that represent the company.

A tip I agree with is bringing something new to the table. Share unique research, a one of a kind photo, or other piece of quality visual content the reader can’t get anywhere else. I also love the advice to keep it simple. A “visual reward” is simply having something pleasing to gaze it. Don’t underestimate it.


Avoid anything that looks inauthentic or like a stock image (even if it’s the real deal!). You know these when you see them, and so does your audience. One pro says you don’t need to go overboard with your graphics, but you do need to curate an image that complements everything you publish.

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