If you specialize in B2B, you might struggle to get more blog readers. BasicBlogTips asked a handful of blogging pros like myself what our best advice is. I’ve always relied heavily on syndication—in fact, it’s my number one way to get more readers! I simply add an RSS feed when a blog is launched, syndicate posts to a number of complementary sites, and get new readers hooked. Blogs that work well with yours can help everyone grow their readership. Plus, no matter how long you’ve been in the game, syndication can help you showcase your credibility to new audiences.

Other bloggers recommend name dropping bloggers as long as it comes across smoothly. Showing that you’re in the know is another way to angle yourself as an expert. Of course, blogging about the biggest and best will naturally draw in readers. Content remains king, and readers want to know that they’re getting the top of the line news.

Blogging about the latest news stories can also help you get a leg up on the competition, but this can require real-time efforts that not everyone is up for.

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